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Homecoming Columbarium

Design Flexibility

Our columbarium units are constructed using our unique Garden Niche which offers flexibility in design without custom-built costs. 

Durability + Longevity

We offer the strongest, most durable columbarium on the market to withstand time and all types of weather. 


By increasing affordability, we hope to increase accessibility to dignified final placement. We also want to make sure our clients can achieve or maintain profitability by keeping our costs low. 

Since 1984, Homecoming Memorials has been a leading columbarium supplier for cemeteries, institutions, churches, and communities. 

As a mission-driven company, our goal is to provide dignified final repose that is a more affordable, durable, and environmentally-conscious.

Our columbarium units are uniquely designed to address these changing needs. We make use of today’s technology, materials, and methods in creating a columbarium niche for the future.


As a result, we have the most durable niche on the market, made to withstand both time and weather without sacrificing beauty.

Homecoming Columbarium Memorial Garden in Colorado, Cherry Hills Community Church
Black, eco-friendly columbarium niche made from recycled materials
Black, eco-friendly columbarium niche made from recycled materials with a gold colored plaque
Four black eco-friendly columbarium niches made from recycled materials. Niches have granite or gold colored plaques

Additional Features

Strength + Durability

Our columbarium niche is made of engineered, injection-molded ABS plastic. It is designed to exceed industry standards and outperforms all other materials used to fabricate columbaria today.


In addition to the flexural strength of our materials, each exterior niche wall has two (2) structural ribs. These ribs, or ligaments, act as contact points when being molecularly welded to other niches (to create the columbarium) and allow the niches to be aligned within .005” per connection.


This ensures that the niches in every columbarium will maintain perfect alignment while strengthening the each individual unit.


Space efficiency is one of the most common concerns when developing a columbarium project, but our space-saving niche allows us to work in any available location and to make best use of that space.

Privacy + Security

Each niche comes with an individual facing stone so other resting places need not be disturbed or exposed when placing an urn. Each facing stone is secured in place with our unique framing system and tamper-resistant screws. 

St James Episcopal Church Columbarium, memorial garden, and prayer garden | Columbaria | Lafayette, LA | sacred repose

Environmentally Consicous

Cremation offers an environmental alternative to in-ground burial and our products can also be used in the placement of remains from aquamation. 


Additionally, our Garden Niche is made from the only thermodynamic polymer that can be reheated and recycled. It is designed to withstand extreme weather and offers lasting beauty with much less upkeep. 

Our columbaria dramatically reduces the use of non-renewable resources for final placement and we actively take steps to reduce the carbon footprint of our company and its products. 

Our goal is to be net-zero by 2028!


Our products and services are designed to save you money during every stage of your memorial project and our space-efficient niche helps maximize the profitability of every available space.

Our unique partnership model means we help our clients save from the initial design stages to the completion of a memorial space and beyond.


Our products require less upkeep and maintenance, our design in flexibility means no "custom-built" prices, and our Continuing Service extends those savings indefinitely. 

Lasting Beauty

Our columbarium units fit within a housing structure that can be made to any existing aesthetic and we offer a wide variety of granite facing stones. Additionally, we can source additional materials to meet the individual needs of our clients. 

The durability of our columbaria stands against the hazards of time and weather better than any other model so our products require less maintenance for lasting beauty. 

With our (completely optional) Continuing Service, our clients receive their engraved facing stone directly from our team to ensure that the craftsmanship remains of the highest standard (and affordability). 


Our columbarium niche is injection-molded using thermodynamic material and, therefore, they are both seamless and non-porous, which reduces element encroachment.

This material is non-corrosive and cannot rust. They will never have the mold issues or structural deterioration associated with other commonly-used materials.

Our Garden Niche is designed to withstand the flex and shrinkage caused by fluctuating temperatures, even extreme temperatures. 

If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.



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